Video Production Basics
Candace Lee Egan


Editing Transitions & Effects

A companion book to this site is Setting Up Your Shots: Great Camera Moves Every Filmmaker Should Know. The page numbers noted below refer to this book.

Fade from and to Black
Description: Fade from black: image gradually appears from a black screen. Fade to black: image gradually disappears to a black screen.
Purposes: Begin and end a video, transition between segments or scenes, signify major change in time or location.

Dip to Black
Description: Quick fade to black and then back to video.
Purposes: Go to or from a commercial break, quick transition between segments or scenes, transition between footage and full screen graphics.


B-roll Video Clip
Play 56k Modem. Play DSL.


Description: A transition between shots where one image is gradually mixed with another until the second image is full screen. Pg. 8.
Purposes: Enhance emotions, soften changes between shots, accentuate rhythm of pacing, enhance artistry of action, smooth jump cuts.
Establishing Scene Video Clip
Play 56k Modem. Play DSL.


Description: A transition between shots that uses movement across the screen. Traditional wipes include changing the image with a move from right or left, up or down, or diagonally. Effects wipes include spins, flips, and animated moves. Pg. 8.
Purposes: Obvious transition between scenes, segments or graphics; add energy and action, increase pacing.

Video Clip
Play 56k Modem. Play DSL.


Description: Mixing two images together. Pg. 95.
Purposes: Show two views of subject at the same time, suggest that main subject is thinking about the other.

Description: A single frame of video that is frozen on the screen. Pg. 86.
Purposes: End action, accentuate moment or character, background for graphics, lengthen short shot.

Video Clip
Play 56k Modem. Play DSL.

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© 2002 Candace Lee Egan