Walk Blocked!

by David L. Zellmer
September 21, 1999

First the Y00 problem, forcing us to begin our walk 10 minutes early, now this! The pace of change in modern society has reached new levels in this latest turn of events. Our President, Dr. Sy Mack, had recently returned from a trip to Oregon and had resumed our discussion of world events, the state of the university, and a continuing topic foreign to this reporter that seems to involve large people moving a strangely shaped ball from one end of a field to another. The discussion came to an abrupt halt, however, when only a few feet short of The Crossing a deliberately placed barrier threatened to destroy forty years of tradition.

The fence at first appeared to stretch all the way from the Ag building to the Satellite Student Union. Small detours are sometimes permissible on The Walk, but major deviations could not be tolerated. It seemed as though this was a deliberate act aimed squarely at the our members, probably because of the liberal views held by N-1 of us.

After a few anxious moments, we discovered the Southeast Passage, which gave us a permissible detour around the fence. The signs in the Passage told us that we had encountered part of the University Infrastructure Renovation Project, which will repair sidewalks, put in new sprinkler systems, and once and for all solve the Perennial Hot Springs problem.

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