The Two Trees

A Feature Article on Walk Lore
By David L. Zellmer
May 25, 1999

When they built the Satellite Student Union they closed off Maple Avenue and converted part of it to a tree-lined mall. The view above was taken from Bud Stude's office on the fourth floor of the Education Building (pretty nice view, Bud!). Looking North we can see the Peters Building, and a faint brown speck that is part of the Satellite Student Union at the upper left-hand corner of the picture. The Two Trees are on either side of what was the old Maple Avenue. Howard Latimer and Bud Stude are seen in the picture on the right standing under the Old Tree right in front of the Satellite Student Union.

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For years The Walk ended under the Old Tree (known then simply as The Tree). Then tragedy struck. The Tree began to sicken and lose its leaves. According to Dr. Howard Latimer, Professor Emeritus of Biology, the Official Botanist of The Walk, and internationally known expert on Bonzai trees, the Old Tree was accidentally hit with herbicide fifteen years ago. Although it has been clinging to life ever since, many parts of the tree are now rotting. In spite of its brave show of leaves each year, it will soon end up in that Great Arboretum in the Sky. (We had often discussed having a special plaque placed by this tree, commemorating The Walk and its members, but this probably will not come to pass.) Undeterred, The Walk continued to hold the Discussion Under the Tree in its traditional location, in spite of the gradually diminishing shade. What happened next is subject to some dispute.

Some of us recall that Our President, Sy Mack, made an executive decision that in the heat of summer it would be cooler to move under the larger and darker canopy of the New Tree. Others of us think that the move to the New Tree was simply a power play by one of our members who had now attained the rank of Associate Dean and felt the need to exert his leadership by getting those present to make a significant change in The Walk.

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Stanley Ziegler -- Protector and Defender of the Old Tree

Retraction! Retraction! The following e-mail was received from Associate Dean Stanley M. Ziegler:

You got it all wrong.  It is very misleading.  I was the
ONLY ONE that didn't want to abandon the Tree (1st one).
I was overwhelmingly overruled and we now go to the
new Tree.  I am the ONLY one who tries to go to the
old Tree when the group is small.

I demand a retraction or a rewrite.
Discussion with Stan and Bud Stude, who verifies Stan's account, took place during our Walk today (5/27/1999). Stan is completely correct. Your author regrets the error. The original article continues below.

It took several weeks before most of us were able to overcome our feelings of guilt and anxiety over this drastic change. The guilt came when we stood under the darker shade of the New Tree and looked over at the pathetic few leaves left on the Old Tree. Now that we had abandoned it, the tree's demise would surely be accelerated. But the Old Tree hung on and is still there today. It is acceptable to sometimes vary the location of our final discussion to include the Old Tree. Adding this element of decision to The Walk is not always healthy, since some Walk members feel compelled to play dominance games over who will lead us to our final destination.

As always with these published accounts of Walk Lore, the author appreciates any additions or corrections to this information. He would especially like clarification on the exact dates when these important changes in The Walk took place.

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