Study Guide for Hour Exam 2

Preliminary for both sections, Fall 2002

For NS4 TuTh 4:5:15, the exam covers Chapters 3 and 4 of Moore, Presentations on Homeopathy, ESP, Freudian Psychoanalysis, NDE, Astrology, and Psychokinesis (PK); and Assigned Readings from Weird Things and Hines

For NS4H MWF 8-8:50, the exam covers Chapters 3 and 4 of Moore, the Presentation Topics are: UFO, Bermuda Triangle, ESP, PK, and Chiropractic. Assigned Readings from Weird Things and Hines are also included, as well as material from the Special Assignments.

Our list of Information that you will find on the first page of your hour exam has grown since the first exam:

Information: A list of the Informal Fallacies and some related critical tools introduced in this course:

Begging the Question (tautology)
False Dilemma
Equivocation (2 word meanings)
Composition (parts --> whole)
Division (whole --> parts)
Genetic Fallacy
Hasty Generalization
Faulty Analogy
Appeal to Authority
Appeal to the Masses
Appeal to Tradition
Appeal to Ignorance
Appeal to Invincible Ignorance
Appeal to Fear
Appeal to the Person (ad hominem)
Fallacy of False Cause (post hoc ergo propter hoc)

Confirmational Bias (cherry picking)
Subjective Validation
Reconstructed Memories
Burden of Proof
Inductive & Deductive
Argument by Analogy
reductio ad absurdum
Universal Generalizations
Statistical Generalizations
Fallacy of Hasty Generalization (in space or in time)
Fallacy of Assumed Linearity
Appeal to Innumeracy
Fallacy of Biased Sample
Fallacy of Anecdotal Evidence
Fallacy of Specificity
Shooting Yourself in the Foot

Fallacy of Confirming Evidence (Includes Cherry Picking and Subjective Validation)
Fallacy of Label Slapping
Observations, Questions, and Multiple Hypotheses
Rules of Inference (p's and q's)
Troubleshooting Trees and Strong Inference
Modus Tollens and Disconfirmation
Criteria of Adequacy: Testability, Fruitfulness, Scope, Simplicity, and Conservatism
"if and only if"; "Necessary and Sufficient"
Null Hypothesis - the true story

There are a few repeats in this list. The second entry implies that we have added much more to its meaning since the first time. Some of the Fallacies have been coined by us while going through the course. Check the website if you want to review the meaning of these.

More detail will be posted before the day of the exam.