Section 1:        Focus and Framing

A.                The issue or problem addressed.

B.                 The specific physical location of the research and the principal stakeholders.

C.                Organizations and government policies affecting the issue.

D.                The purpose of the research.

E.                 The significance of the research.

F.                 The content of each section of the report.


Section 2:        Deconstructing the Literature

A.                Describe the scope of the problem (nationally, statewide or locally)

B.                 Describe the theoretical literature that provides an explanation of the problem.

C.                Describe how other organizations have addressed the problem

D.                Describe the theoretical assumptions used to create solutions to the problem (Theory of action).

E.                 Assess the empirical literature that has been used to document the effectiveness of efforts to address the problem. How have these studies been conducted? What were the results?

F.                 Describe any gaps in the empirical literature.


Section 3:       Methodology

A.                Philosophical Rationale  (Give appropriate citations for using quantitative or qualitative research approaches and paradigms)

1.         Research approach           

                        2.         Justification for using this approach or paradigm

3.                  Validity of this approach

B.                 Research Processes

1.         Role of the Researchers

2.                  Participants

3.                  Research Questions Addressed

4.                  Data Collection Techniques

5.                  Procedures for Interpreting Data

6.                  Rigor (Establishing Credibility, Transferability, and Confirmability – see pp. 176-177 in Stringer)

7.                  Limitations

C.                Ethical Issues

1,         Gaining entry to the community

2.         Steps used to ensure confidentiality

3.                  Steps taken to ensure informed consent

4.                  Steps taken to clarify ownership and use of the data

5.                  Steps taken to ensure cultural appropriateness of data collection, analysis, and report writing.


Section IV:      Results:

            A.         For qualitative studies:

1.         Provide descriptive information that includes a description of significant people, activities, events that take place, the setting in which things happen, the time that they occur, the purpose of the activities, emotions, and objects observed.

2.                  Present the way participants interpret events.

3.                  Identify patterns and common themes


            B.         For quantitative studies:

1.                  Give a demographic description of respondents.

2.                  Answer primary research questions.

3.                  Include relevant charts and graphs and a written description of the contents of these charts and graphs.


Section V:       Conclusions

1.         Summarize the outcome of the study

2.         Place stakeholder viewpoints in the broader social context of the issue by comparing and contrasting their perspectives with those presented within the literature.

3.         Explore the implications of the study for policies, programs, services, and practices related to the people and the issue investigated.

4.                  Suggest actions that may be initiated or extended or modifications of activities and procedures that will improve existing programs or policies.

5.                  What are the implications of this research for social work practice and community work?

6.                  What specific actions should agency partners take to make sure that changes are made in programs or policies?




All human subjects materials including the research instruments and agency approvals.


All agendas and meeting minutes from meetings with agency or community groups.


Note: This assignment was adopted from: Stringer, E. (1999). Action research (2nd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.



This assignment is worth 50% of your final grade!!!


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