Conduct an assessment of at least two web pages maintained by a foundation, social service organization, or advocacy group. Evaluate the web page using the following criteria:


1)         Organization’s mission and goals are well-defined.


2)         Information about the organization’s programs is easy to find and interpret.


3)         The reader can easily navigate among the various sections and components of the web page.


4)         Is contact information easily to find? (for example, can you find the address and phone number for the organization; can you click on a link to send email; are email links available for key staff members?)


5)         Does the page contains information about how the reader can donate funds to the organization (or apply for funds from a foundation). Can the donation or application be made on-line or can form be downloaded from the site and mailed to the organization?


6)         In addition to donation requests, does the site contain information about how the reader can volunteer to help the organization or solicit membership in the organization?


7)         Does the site contain information about legislation that pertains to the organization mission? Does the site ask readers to lobby for legislation?            


8)         Are links provided to other organizations that provide similar services or have similar goals?


9)         Does the page contain information about how the organization is funded? If so, what are its main funding sources? 


10)       Is the information provided, sufficient to persuade readers that they should either join, donate, or apply for funds from this organization?



Two extra credit points will be awarded per assessment. Assessments of two or more organizations should contain information that compares and contrasts the various web sites assessed.  A maximum of 10 extra credit points can be awarded.