SWRK 247

Dr. Hardina


Exercise: Mapping Your Own Social Network


Spend 5-10 minutes mapping your own social network (i.e. interactions with other Department of Social Work Education Students). Use the following criteria:


H         Do you provide help with homework to someone or do you receive help with homework?


A         Do you engage in social activities with another student (lunch, parties, go to movies, etc).


T          Do you provide transportation to and from school to someone or do you receive such help?


S          Do you provide emotional support or receive such support from another student?



You are the Focal Actor in the Social Network Map. Identify each student in which you interact in these ways.

 Also identify one way and reciprocal exchanges. Rate the strength of the relationship in the following way:


Low ------

Medium _______



Indicate the types of relationships on your map: H (homework), A (activities), T (transportation), and S (support)


After you complete your own assessment, meet with a group of 4-5 people in this class and compile a composite assessment of the social network that involves members of the group (keep in mind that you might not be linked to some of the members in the group using the criteria listed above). Choose one person to be the focal actor.


When you have completed this task, we will meet as a class and try to develop a picture of the class as a social network. We will also identify “informal” leaders.


We may need to develop a plan of action to strengthen relationships among class members.


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