You need a Fresno State email account to use Electronic Reserve. You can click on the link in your course syllabus or on the class web page to find Electronic Reserve. You will need to enter your email login name and password, however, to go to the Electronic Reserve page. You will also need to enter the class password to gain access to articles.

Some students have raised concerns about the cost of downloading the articles. You do not need to download them. If you prefer, you can read them on the screen. You also have the option of downloading them as PDF or html documents. Html or computer language documents are laid out differently than the original article and may require more paper to print. In some cases, line length may exceed the width of your paper if you print them out. They also do not permit you to find all the details needed for a reference list (usually page numbers are missing) if you decide to use the article as a citation. PDF documents appear close to or exactly as they appear in the regular document - but they require a great deal of memory to open on some computers. This may not be a problem if you download them late at night from home or if you download them on campus.

A link to convert html to PDF documents can be found at the end of each article. A few documents on your course outline may already appear as PDF documents. However, some are still in html and you may need to convert them yourself.