Getting started with LATEX with Windows

1 Obtaining and installing LaTeX

We will assume that you are installing LATEX on a Macintosh computer running OS-X. The front end (the program that you will actually click on) that we suggest you use is called TEXShop. You can obtain a complete LaTeX distribution (including TEXShop) by downloading MacTeX-2013 from and following the instructions there to install it. If you have any questions regarding installing or upgrading your LaTeX distribution you should check out Richard Koch’s site at the University of Oregon: Richard started the TEXShop project and his site is very complete and up-to- date.

2 Running TeXShop

This section will walk you through using TEXShop to compile the first homework assignment.

  1. Download the file myFirstHomework.tex from this link. I recommend that make a new folder (e.g., Math111HW) and save the file to that folder.
  2. Double click on the file myFirstHomework.tex. This will launch TEXShop with a single window named "myFirstHomework.tex." Click on the button marked Typeset at the top of that window. This will open two more windows, a console window which reports on what LATEX is doing and also communicates errors to you and a window titled myFirstHomework.pdf which is your typeset document.

3 LaTeX references

There are a number of LaTeX resources on the internet. One place to start is at: