Impression- Truth compromised with regularity during trial,
plea bargaining, and appellate stages.

Remove: Impediments to truth in judicial process

Adversary system: desire to win

Restraints & Problems: Exclusionary Rule

Battle of expert witnesses



Dissatisfaction with the courts


Sub branch of Public Administration

Many court administrators: uncertain of their duties

Administrators-help new judges adapt to role

JUDGES-ultimately responsible for Court administration


Court Personnel Roles and Functions

CASE management-administrative function



Recruited from locality in which they serve-biases, values, perceptions
affect decisions

Most judges in one survey found to have difficulties assuming
administrative duties due to:

Takes about 4 years to get full feel of docket.

Question: Given the above factor, what are its implications,
considering that the typical four year term of office for
elected judges?

Most new judges experience STRESS
Cause of some difficulties:

Little exchange of info between trial and appellate
judges-Review why?

Judges rely on their court staff to teach them the ropes
when first appointed.

 Presiding judges-manage personnel and dockets, assigning
cases and judges, budgets, coordinating judicial schedules,
drafting local court rules, interface with media etc.

Some duties delegated to professional (non-judge) court
administrator if there is one. Which duties this involves,
is up to the presiding judge.

Chief or presiding judge-position usually based on seniority

Consider impact on court administrator-if large turnover
of presiding judges-difficulty in having to adapt to different management styles and delegating norms with each new
presiding judge.

Judges-historically ineffective managers

JUDGES EXIST TO HEAR CASES- not trained in court management


Courses-two days to three weeks


NOTE: Check the curriculum and the extent to which it offers training in the specific areas mentioned as duties of court administrators!!!

COURT CLERKS-elected in 44 states-problem with training,
since they are elected officials.

Court Clerks can be De Facto Administrators and handle:

Note the potential for conflict between court administrators
and court clerks, when they co-exist. 

COURT ADMINISTRATORS-position came about in 1960's

Statewide court administration position in all states

Big Question: What should their QUALIFICATIONS be??

Law degree vs Business Administration


Six major duties

Other terms for Court Administrators:

CALIFORNIA: Various types of court administrators/coordinators can be
found in the GOVERNMENT CODE, including job descriptions, salaries,
and jurisdictions in which such positions are authorized.
Also, check some of the links to specific California Courts



Important Concepts, Key Terms, and Information

Courts as organizations are less bureaucratic than other C.J. agencies
Judges typically are not good managers
Court Administrators typically are appointed by the judges of the court
Court Administrators have no power over elected court clerks or elected judges
The duties of a court administrator are not fixed and can be changed by the judges
A graduate degree in public administration is the best background for a court administrator
Budget and training/selection of non-judicial personnel is typically handled by a court administrator
Dissatisfaction with the courts primarily involves delays, unjust decisions, and court costs
The adversary system of justice impedes the search for truth in criminal trials
The hardest part of being a judge is the sentencing of criminals
Mechanisms to reduce frivolous lawsuits are available but not popular with attorneys
An expert witness can usually be found to testify on behalf of any side in a civil or criminal trial
Court clerks typically maintain court records and handle jury selection and fee collection
The chief or presiding judgeship is typically based on seniority alone