(Off line-perfect European)

27 Member States

Austria Germany Portugal
Belgium Greece Spain
Denmark Ireland Sweden
Finland Italy Netherlands
Cyprus Lithuania Czech Republic
Malta Poland Estonia
Hungary Slovakia Slovenia
Un. Kingdom Luxembourg Latvia
France Bulgaria Romania

Applicant Country


Institutions and bodies

(Internal Link 11)

European Parliament

Council of the European Union -Presidency

European Commission

European Court of Auditors

Court of Justice of the European Communities

European Ombudsman (Review the complaint form)

Financial bodies

Interinstitutional bodies

Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

European Communities Personnel Selection Office

Decentralised bodies of the European Union (agencies)

Agencies of the European Community

Common Foreign and Security Policy

Police and Judicial Cooperation in criminal matters

Two organizations (Eurojust and Europol) have been created to assist EU member states in their fight against international organized crime through:

Police Cooperation:

Mutual Assistance

Joint activities

Cooperation between Police, Customs, Immigration and Justice Departments in member states.

History of Europol

Europol-European Police Office(1999) -Located in The Hague, Netherlands

Eurojust-(2002) European body for the enhancement of judicial co-operation -in The Hague, Netherlands

Justice/Home Affairs-Internal Link

Europol Background