Cagle's Shoebox 1960s Photograph Album

Pi Kappa Tau had fabulously large photograph albums which were updated weekly as a chronicle of the life of the fraternity and its many friends.  The fraternity published a rush brochure each year.   Over the years many photographs did not make it into the album nor the printed materials.  What happened to them?  The "rejects," as Bob Fowlie liked to call them, were kept in a shoebox.  Over the years John Cagle kept this old shoebox because in various ways these pictures captured many memories of people and events.  To the shoebox John also added pictures from other college and university publications he edited.  Eventually he put them in a small scrapbook of his own and would bring them now and again to one of our alumni events.  For the 40th SAE Cal Nu Anniversary banquet, he scanned these scrapbook pages and put them on our website.  Click on each picture and scroll down.  They can be printed fullpage on any printer....

If your picture is not among these, it is only because apparently you made it to the Big Album, so don't complain! 


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