Using Insert/Trendline for Curve Fitting
in Excel 5.0

  1. Plot your data as usual in Excel 5.0, probably using the Chart Wizard.
  2. Double click on the graph to place it into Edit mode.
  3. Click on one of the the graph data markers to select the data series.
  4. Select Trendline... from the Insert menu.

  5. From the dialog box that comes up, select the type of fit you want.

  6. The equation will be printed as text onto your chart.
  7. To see more significant figures for the coefficients, make sure the chart is still selected, then click on the formula just generated on your chart to select it. Choose Format/Selected Data Labels... from the menubar and use the resulting dialog box to choose the numerical format you wish.

For questions or comments, contact Dr. David L. Zellmer at

Last updated: 04 December 1996