The Open Cluster Gallery, taken with Fresno State's Campus Observatory,
largely by students

M11, the Wild Ducks (open cluster 
in Scutum)
M11, "the Wild Ducks"
(open cluster in Scutum), full-color (L 11 x 20s, R 5 x 20s, G 5 x 20s, B 9 x 20s, all through a Hutech IDAS light-pollution filter) ST-9XE image at f/6.3 by Ben Zastnovik.

M16, the Eagle Nebula
M16, the Eagle Nebula in Serpens
, full-color (L 30 x 20s, R 30 x 20s, G 30 x 20s, B 45 x 20s, all through a Hutech IDAS light-pollution filter) ST-9E image at f/6.3 by F. Ringwald, processed by Steve Rodriguez.

M29, Open Cluster in Cygnus the Swan
M29, "the Cooling Tower"
, open cluster in Cygus the Swan, full-color (L 10 x 60s, R 5 x 60s, G 5 x 60s, B 9 x 60s) ST-9XE image through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 by Michael Ragsdale.

M34, Open Cluster in Perseus
, open cluster in Perseus, full-color (L 10 x 60s, R 5 x 60s, G 5 x 60s, B 9 x 60s) ST-9XE image through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 by F. Ringwald, processed by Steve Rodriguez.

M35, Open Cluster in Gemini
M35, "Lassell's Delight"
, open cluster in Gemini, full-color (L 15 x 120s, R 5 x 120s, G 5 x 120s, B 9 x 120s) ST-9XE image through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 by F. Ringwald, processed by Nathan Siemens.

M41, Open Cluster in Canis 
, open cluster in Canis Major, the Big Dog, full-color (L 10 x 60s, R 5 x 60s, G 5 x 60s, B 9 x 60s) ST-9XE image through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 by Kenia Velasco.

M44, Praesepe, the Beehive 
M44, Praesepe, the Beehive
, open cluster in Cancer, full-color (L 10 x 60s, R 5 x 60s, G 5 x 60s, B 9 x 60s) ST-9XE image through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 by F. Ringwald.

M45, the Pleiades
M45, the Pleiades
, open cluster in Taurus, full-color (L 79 x 180s, R 15 x 180s, G 15 x 180s, B 15 x 300s, all through a Hutech IDAS light-pollution filter) ST-9XE image through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 by F. Ringwald.
image of the Moon
Wide-field image of the Moon
, median of 25 x 0.1-second ST-9XE exposures through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 through a 9.0-nm Schuler H alpha filter and unsharp-masked by
F. Ringwald.
M52 and NGC 7635
M52 (at top left) and NGC 7635, the Bubble Nebula
, open cluster and nebulosity in Cassioepeia, full-color (L 79 x 180s, R 15 x 180s, G 15 x 180s, B 15 x 300s, all through a Hutech IDAS light-pollution filter) ST-9XE image through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 by F. Ringwald, processed by David Baer.

M52, open cluster in 
, open cluster in Cassieopeia, full-color (L 79 x 180s, R 15 x 180s, G 15 x 180s, B 15 x 300s, all through a Hutech IDAS light-pollution filter) ST-9XE image through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 by F. Ringwald, processed by Shawn Walters.
M103, Open Cluster in Cassiopeia
, open cluster in Cassiopeia, full-color (L 10 x 60s, R 5 x 60s, G 5 x 60s, B 9 x 60s) ST-9XE image through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 by David Baer.

NGC 861 and 869 the 
double Cluster in Perseus
NGC 861 and 869
, the double cluster in Perseus, full-color (L 10 x 60s, R 5 x 60s, G 5 x 60s, B 9 x 60s) ST-9XE image through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 by F. Ringwald, processed by Michael Ragsdale.
NGC 2254, open cluster in 
NGC 2254, the Christmas Tree cluster
(upside-down), open cluster and nebulosity in Monoceros the Unicorn, full-color (L 79 x 180s, R 15 x 180s, G 15 x 180s, B 15 x 300s, all through a Hutech IDAS light-pollution filter) ST-9XE image through the 70-mm guidescope at f/5.7 by Ben Zastnovik.

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Last updated 2024 April 26. Web page by Professor Ringwald (ringwald[at] and replace [at] with @)
Department of Physics, California State University, Fresno. Please read this disclaimer.