student with molecular model

Chemistry 3A Department of Chemistry
California State University, Fresno

Dr. David L. Zellmer
Picture of Dr. David Zellmer
Office: Science 244
See me during office hours:
Fall 2001: MW 1000-1150; F 1000-1050
Call me at 278-2113
Send E-mail to

Welcome to the Chemistry 3A website.

Catalog Description:

3A. Introductory General Chemistry (4)
No credit for CHEM 3A after 1A. High school chemistry or CHEM 15 recommended. Prerequisite: completion of the General Education B4 area requirement. For nonscience majors. Composition of matter and physical and chemical changes; fundamental laws and principles; atomic and molecular structure; acid-base theory, redox and equilibria; qualitative and quantitative theory and techniques. (3 lecture, 3 lab hours) [In all lab courses, the wearing of approved safety glasses is mandatory.]

If you feel you need additional preparation before taking this course, see the catalog for a description of CHEM 15R. Preparation for Chemistry (3).

Other chemistry courses sometimes confused with Chem 3A are:

  • Chemistry 10 (previously listed as Chemistry 1), Chemistry and Society (4 units 3 lecture, 1 lab) Satisfies GE area B1-Physical Sciences. Gentler than 3A, for nonscience majors who want some chemistry in their background.

  • Chemistry 1A, General Chemistry (5 units, 3 lecture 2 lab) Satisfies GE area B1-Physical Sciences. More demanding than 3A. Taken by Chemistry majors and other science majors who need heavy-duty chemistry.

The following materials should be helpful to you:

syllabus icon The course syllabus and schedule for Fall 2001. A hard copy of this is handed out on the first day of class. Dates for all the lecture exams, quizzes, homework assignments, and lecture topics are listed here, as well as the usual course policies and grading procedures.

laboratory icon The laboratory schedule for Fall 2001. A hard copy of this is handed out in the laboratory on the first lab day. It contains the laboratory schedule and policies.

tutorial icon Tutorial Schedule for Fall 2001 The chemistry tutorial meets in S-382 at the times given on the schedule. Come for one-on-one help with your Chem 3a problems.

lecture slides icon Lecture Slides showing every electronic visual used for the course. You may want to look at these before coming to lecture to get a preview of what will be discussed. They make a good supplement to the notes you will be taking during class, since you won't have to copy down all of the information on the slides.

Exam and Quiz Keys

Note: If the current quiz or exam is not given below, you may be looking at an old version of the Chem 3a Home Page taken from the cache on your hard drive. To learn about Super Reload and other tricks to fix this, click here. This site also covers common problems with the password protection on Scores.

If you have recorded your scores on exams and quizzes and want an estimate of how you are doing in the course, try the 3a Grade Calculator. This is a new beta version JavaScript program, so use it at your own risk!

exam key icon

password protected icon This part of the site is private to Chem 3a. Username and password are required for this link:

Keep an eye on this page for additional materials such as times for help sessions and other items of general interest.

Dr. David L. Zellmer
This page was last revised on 8/30/2001