Student Presentations

Andrea Capa Salinas, oral presentation at National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2019, Apr. 10-13, Kennesaw, Georgia (2019). Oral presentation title: Probe Design for Thermopower Measurements Using a Differential Thermocouple, author list: A. Capa Salinas, J. Velasquez, P.-C. Ho

Yeh-Chia Chang, oral presentation at 2019 APS March Meeting, Mar. 4-8, Boston, Massachusetts, Abstract # L06.00015 (2019). Oral presentation title: Specific Heat of Pr1-xNdxOs4Sb12, author list: Yeh-Chia Chang, Shoji Hishida, Taylor McCullough-Hunter, Pei-Chun Ho, Brian Maple, and Tatsuya Yanagisawa

Shoji Hishida at the Undergraduate Awards Ceremony for his oral presentation at 2017 APS March Meeting, Mar. 13-17, New Orleans, Louisianan, Abstract # B12.00006 (2017). Shoji won " SPS Outstanding Presentation Award," sponsored by Society of Physics Students (SPS). Oral presentation title: Analysis of thermal properties of Pr1-xNdxOs4Sb12 in the range 10-300 K, author list: Shoji Hishida, Taylor McCullough-Hunter, Pei-Chun Ho, Brian Maple, and Tatsuya Yanagisawa

Patrick Talbot, poster presentation at 2017 APS March Meeting, Mar. 13-17, New Orleans, Louisianan, Abstract # M1.00369 (2017). Poster title: Method for the growth and stabilization of rare earth nano-particles, author list: Patrick Talbot, Pei-Chun Ho

Shoji Hishida, poster presentation at 2016 Quadrennial Physics Congress, Poster Session I, November 14, abstract # SI-113, Hyatt Regency-San Francisco Airport, Hosted by Sigma Pi Sigma, the Physics Honor Society, (2016). Poster title: Analysis of thermal properties of Pr1-xNdxOs4Sb12 in the range 10-300 K, author list: Shoji Hishida, Taylor McCullough-Hunter, Pei-Chun Ho, Brian Maple, and Tatsuya Yanagisawa. Shoji won the OSA Poster Award for General Physics, sponsored by Optical Society of America (OSA).

Pei-Chun Ho, Shoji Hishida, and Taylor McCullough-Hunter at Shoji's poster presentation at 2016 APS March Meeting, Mar. 14-18, Baltimore, Maryland, Abstract # G1.00120 (2016). Poster title: Aparatus for the measurement of thermoelectric power, author list: Shoji Hishida, Pei-Chun Ho.

Pei-Chun Ho, Felipe Vargas, Ryan Fukuda, and Taylor McCullough at poster presentation of 2014 APS March Meeting, March 3-7, Denver, Colorado.

Banchong Somsanuk, poster presentation at 2012 APS March Meeting, Feb. 27-Mar. 2, Boston, Massachusetts, Abstract #S1.00303 (2012). Poster presentation title: Finite pulse relaxation calorimetry and specific heat of NdOs4Sb12, author list: B. Somsanuk, U. I. Urbina, P.-C. Ho, M. B. Maple, and T. Yanagisawa.

Nick Soliz, oral presentation at 2011 Annual Meeting of the California-Nevada Section of the APS, November 11-12, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California, Abstract # F3.00007 (2011). Oral presentation title: Experimental Probe for Measurement of Thermodynamic Properties, author list: Nicholas Soliz, Ulises Urbina, and Pei-Chun Ho.

Ryan Fukuda, oral presentation at 2011 Annual Meeting of the California-Nevada Section of the APS, November 11-12, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California,Abstract # B3.00009 (2011). Oral presentation title: Testing of a First Order AC Magnetic Susceptometer, author list: Ryan Fukuda, Smitha Sunny, and Pei-Chun Ho

Jussi Jose Amaral, poster presentation at 2011 APS March Meeting, Dallas, Texas, March 21-25, 2011. Poster presentation title: Synthesis and analysis of rare-earth nanoparticles Gd and Nd, author list: J. J. Amaral, C. Liang, D. G. Romero, P.-C. Ho, S. Attar, and D. Margosan.

Ulises Urbina, poster presentation at 2010 APS March Meeting, Portland, Colorado, March 15-19, 2010. Poster title: Instrumentation for measuring thermodynamic properties of rare-earth compounds, author list: U. I. Urbina, J. Thompson, and P.-C. Ho.

Johnathon Thompson, 12-minute oral presentation at the 24th California State University Student Research Competition, CSU-San Jose, April 23 - May 1, 2010. Oral presentation title: Constructing a multiplexer (scanner), author list: J. J. Thompson, advisor: P.-C. Ho.

Carmin Liang and Dulce Romero, poster presentation at Fresno State College of Science and Mathematics Annual Student Research Symposium, May 7, 2010. Poster title: Preparation and Analysis of Rare-Earth Nanoparticles (Gd and Nd), author list: D. Romero, C. Liang, P.-C. Ho, S. Attar, and D. Margosan