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Pei-Chun Ho's Researchpage

(last updated on 2/10/2025)

Student Presentations

Oral presentation at 2019 NCUR

Andrea Capa Salinas, oral presentation at National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2019, Apr. 10-13, Kennesaw, Georgia (2019). Oral presentation title: Probe Design for Thermopower Measurements Using a Differential Thermocouple, author list: A. Capa Salinas, J. Velasquez, P.-C. Ho

Oral presentation at 2019 APS March Meeting

Yeh-Chia Chang, oral presentation at 2019 APS March Meeting, Mar. 4-8, Boston, Massachusetts, Abstract # L06.00015 (2019). Oral presentation title: Specific Heat of Pr1-xNdxOs4Sb12, author list: Yeh-Chia Chang, Shoji Hishida, Taylor McCullough-Hunter, Pei-Chun Ho, Brian Maple, and Tatsuya Yanagisawa

Poster presentation at 2017 APS March Meeting

Shoji Hishida at the Undergraduate Awards Ceremony for his oral presentation at 2017 APS March Meeting, Mar. 13-17, New Orleans, Louisianan, Abstract # B12.00006 (2017). Shoji won " SPS Outstanding Presentation Award," sponsored by Society of Physics Students (SPS). Oral presentation title: Analysis of thermal properties of Pr1-xNdxOs4Sb12 in the range 10-300 K, author list: Shoji Hishida, Taylor McCullough-Hunter, Pei-Chun Ho, Brian Maple, and Tatsuya Yanagisawa

Poster presentation at 2017 APS March Meeting

Patrick Talbot, poster presentation at 2017 APS March Meeting, Mar. 13-17, New Orleans, Louisianan, Abstract # M1.00369 (2017). Poster title: Method for the growth and stabilization of rare earth nano-particles, author list: Patrick Talbot, Pei-Chun Ho

Poster presentation at PhysCon 2016

Shoji Hishida, poster presentation at 2016 Quadrennial Physics Congress, Poster Session I, November 14, abstract # SI-113, Hyatt Regency-San Francisco Airport, Hosted by Sigma Pi Sigma, the Physics Honor Society, (2016). Poster title: Analysis of thermal properties of Pr1-xNdxOs4Sb12 in the range 10-300 K, author list: Shoji Hishida, Taylor McCullough-Hunter, Pei-Chun Ho, Brian Maple, and Tatsuya Yanagisawa. Shoji won the OSA Poster Award for General Physics, sponsored by Optical Society of America (OSA).

Poster presentation at 2016 APS March Meeting

Pei-Chun Ho, Shoji Hishida, and Taylor McCullough-Hunter at Shoji's poster presentation at 2016 APS March Meeting, Mar. 14-18, Baltimore, Maryland, Abstract # G1.00120 (2016). Poster title: Aparatus for the measurement of thermoelectric power, author list: Shoji Hishida, Pei-Chun Ho.

Poster presentation at 2014 APS March Meeting

Pei-Chun Ho, Felipe Vargas, Ryan Fukuda, and Taylor McCullough at poster presentation of 2014 APS March Meeting, March 3-7, Denver, Colorado.

Poster presentation at 2012 APS March Meeting

Banchong Somsanuk, poster presentation at 2012 APS March Meeting, Feb. 27-Mar. 2, Boston, Massachusetts, Abstract #S1.00303 (2012). Poster presentation title: Finite pulse relaxation calorimetry and specific heat of NdOs4Sb12, author list: B. Somsanuk, U. I. Urbina, P.-C. Ho, M. B. Maple, and T. Yanagisawa.

Oral presentation at 2011 APS annual meeting (Nick Soliz)

Nick Soliz, oral presentation at 2011 Annual Meeting of the California-Nevada Section of the APS, November 11-12, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California, Abstract # F3.00007 (2011). Oral presentation title: Experimental Probe for Measurement of Thermodynamic Properties, author list: Nicholas Soliz, Ulises Urbina, and Pei-Chun Ho.

Oral presentation at 2011 APS annual meeting (Ryan Fukuda)

Ryan Fukuda, oral presentation at 2011 Annual Meeting of the California-Nevada Section of the APS, November 11-12, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, California,Abstract # B3.00009 (2011). Oral presentation title: Testing of a First Order AC Magnetic Susceptometer, author list: Ryan Fukuda, Smitha Sunny, and Pei-Chun Ho

Poster presentation at 2011 APS March Meeting

Jussi Jose Amaral, poster presentation at 2011 APS March Meeting, Dallas, Texas, March 21-25, 2011. Poster presentation title: Synthesis and analysis of rare-earth nanoparticles Gd and Nd, author list: J. J. Amaral, C. Liang, D. G. Romero, P.-C. Ho, S. Attar, and D. Margosan.

Poster presentation at 2010 APS March Meeting

Ulises Urbina, poster presentation at 2010 APS March Meeting, Portland, Colorado, March 15-19, 2010. Poster title: Instrumentation for measuring thermodynamic properties of rare-earth compounds, author list: U. I. Urbina, J. Thompson, and P.-C. Ho.

Oral presentation at CSU Student Research Competition

Johnathon Thompson, 12-minute oral presentation at the 24th California State University Student Research Competition, CSU-San Jose, April 23 - May 1, 2010. Oral presentation title: Constructing a multiplexer (scanner), author list: J. J. Thompson, advisor: P.-C. Ho.

Poster presentation at CSM Student Research Symposium

Carmin Liang and Dulce Romero, poster presentation at Fresno State College of Science and Mathematics Annual Student Research Symposium, May 7, 2010. Poster title: Preparation and Analysis of Rare-Earth Nanoparticles (Gd and Nd), author list: D. Romero, C. Liang, P.-C. Ho, S. Attar, and D. Margosan